Captain Stephen M. Carmona’s Captain’s Corner:

On behalf of all of the men and women working together at North Hollywood Community Police Station, I want to offer a sincere Hello! We have a lot going on as we enter the Spring season! We are now in the second quarter of 2016 and we have many challenges ahead of us. Unfortunately, crime in the city of Los Angeles has risen slightly above where it was at this time last year. Part 1 crime in the City is currently up 1.8 Year to Date. Violent crime is up a whopping 13.5 % in the City.
So, what is Part 1 crime?
Here is a quick lesson. Part 1 crime has two categories, violent crime, which includes murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assaults and Property crime, which includes Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, and Burglary-Theft from Motor vehicle and Theft.
When we refer to Part 1 crime, we are referring to the totals of those eight crime types. North Hollywood Community Police Station covers 22.7 square miles in the San Fernando Valley and we serve a population of well over 204,000 people.
Now here is the good news, In North Hollywood Area, just about 85 % of our Part 1 crime is Property crime. And currently our property crime is down .3 % YTD, but more importantly, our violent crime is down 7 % YTD. So our overall our Part 1 crime is down 1.2 %. We all work very
hard to keep crime from rising. Please know that the all the men and women on the LAPD, including those assigned to this community police station remain engaged and dedicated. What makes this North Hollywood Community Station even more successful is we work seamlessly with our community partners. We have a tremendous amount of community support and we cherish the relationships that we have made as we work together to improve the communities where we live and work.
In the spirit of improving the lines of communication and strengthening our partnerships even further, I have included instructions on how to access some of the social media sites out there that you can use to stay informed. I hope that you find them helpful.
Below are the instructions on how to access these websites:
Crime Mapping
Open a Facebook account
In the search bar type “LAPD North Hollywood Division”
“Like” our page and you will get postings from North Hollywood Division.
Open a twitter account at
In the search bar type in “NHWD Division”
go to website
click “Residents”
click “sign up” and follow the instructions.
You can also sign up by texting your zip code to 888777.
In the URL bar type
You will be directed to
On the right hand will be instructions on how to submit tips to the police.
A) In the URL bar type
B) Click on the red “Submit a tip” button on top right hand corner
C) Follow the instruction by filling out the required information.
Enjoy the start of the Spring season and I will talk to next month.